You Can Be Fit No Matter What Your Age
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So excited to be on this Fitness Journey with you. Please complete my contact form & let's get busy!
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You are all set
Looking forward to having an in-depth phone call to discuss your goals and how we can make it happen
What do
you get?
Workout plans made for you
Workout plans designed specifically for YOU & your busy lifestyle
Your own meal plan
Individualized balanced meals to keep you full & energized
We track your progress together
Weekly check-ins with me - tracking your progress made easy anytime
Continuous communication
Working as a team, I'm excited to see all that you are capable of
Why choose
online coaching?
Mindset is EVERYTHING it's the software that allows you to meet your fitness goals or defeat you in the process. I work with the body but most importantly the mind. At 71-Years-Old my philosophy is that you can indeed meet your fitness goals no matter where you're presently at on the scale. Making a commitment to yourself and mixing the commitment with dedication, consistency and discipline there is absolutely no fitness goal that cannot be achieved. I've seen it and know this to be true.
At Ageless Fitness, Coach Pauline is a firm believer that it is never too late to get in shape regardless of your age. As a matter of fact, she considers herself to be a Four Star General on the Ageless Fitness Battlefield, encouraging women to dismiss the subliminal narrative that once you're over 50 it's impossible to achieve your fitness goals. "In all honesty you're only in second gear the best of life (fitness, nutrition, health, well being) is ahead of you," according to Coach Pauline.